Wednesday, January 21, 2009


One of my greatest pleasures is the sight of the Wasatch Mountains as I drive into my neighborhood. Take a closer look...where are they? According to the morning news, Salt Lake City recently gained the distinction of possibly having the worst air pollution in the world. Could be second only to Mexico City! By Sunday they should be back to their majestic beauty.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


As last weekend was a long one, we decided to take a little trip to see some of the kids. First we went to Cheyenne on Friday to Tory & Tyler's. They are doing great. Tory is a whiz at her new job, Tyler keeps busy with his 2 jobs, EQ pres, and family life. Tory is a great Sunday School teacher for the 12/13 year olds. They love her and she gives them candy! B-Rad & B-Rock keep everyone on their toes and provide lots of laughs.
Saturday we took a trip to Denver to check out Jamie & Amy's new home. They are doing great in Lakewood, CO. They live in a cool apartment by an outdoor mall. There are many things to do there including bowling, ice skating, movies, shopping and many restaurants. Amy is home-schooling Jaiden and Thayia as they may have to move a few times before they get their permanent home. The kids love it, Amy finds it a lot of work, but if you know Amy, if there's a plan and a goal, she'll get it done! Jetrin has top teeth now and crawls everywhere. He is still and animal and really fun.

Some restaurant good times. This place specialized in bison dishes.

It seemed like every meal I got some great company. I just need to learn to eat around her little self, as apparently I am not allowed to have my own chair and plate. She loves seared ahi salad. Gotta love it while it lasts!

Like I said, Jetrin is an animal. Having some fun with PaPa, or just plain Pa, as Bradlee has decided to name him.

Just had to put this one in. We really did genuinely have a good time. Thaiya is a beauty.

Here is a great family picture of the Bricco's. Guess who just can't stay out of the shot?

It was another truly great weekend and another is coming up with the Rowdy family! This time my camera will be charged.


Part of my birthday present were these 2 babies. They are amazing and it is crazy how much I enjoy using them! They can do almost anything. Terry is a lucky man that I get so excited about the weirdest things!

The next new thing for me is this Blackberry Storm. It is another truly amazing thing. Last weekend I used it to navigate from T'n Ts house to J & As in Denver. This little sweetheart took us right to their front door and then back to Cheneyney. I took a very hot picture of Tory and emailed it to Tyler. On the way back to SLC I used it to check out all my kids' blogs, and even managed to leave a comment on one from the road near Rawlins, WY!!! Now that's fun. Now if I could just learn to answer it!?